Basement Belewbeloid.
The sky opened around 07.10 and is continuing. To English eyes, an astonishing downpour. In Nashville, rain this heavy is a regular occurrence.
19.40 This morning: a good conversation with Adrian & Martha on the state of the world and our place in it. Our thinking is much the same on The Crimson ProjeKct. Then to a haircut at noon: the barber failed to turn mutton into lamb but succeeded in making mutton more presentable.
Then to a favourite bookshop on 21st. Avenue in Hillsboro Village - BookMan BookWoman - one of several excellent secondhand bookshops in Nashville that prompt my bibliophiliacal tendencies.
Two weeks ago I mail-ordered a double CD of Gerald Finzi, an English composer writing in the first half of the last century, that arrived at DGM. And here at BookMan Bookwoman I was both surprised & delighted to find Letters of Gerald Finzi & Howard Ferguson: edited by Howard Ferguson & Michael (Boydell Press 2001). Perhaps in a specialist bookshop in England, but Nashville?
And more downpours.
Returning, I find Ken the Hero has set up the Lunar Module in Studio Belew